How to apply for the Jubilado Visa in Panama successfully
Want an easy way to get Panama Residency? Consider the Jubilado Pensionado Visa rogram. It's designed for pensioners and retirees, allowing you to become a permanent resident with just one application, and no fees to the government
1 / Pensioner or Retiree
To be eligible for the Jubilado Pensionado Visa in Panama, you need to be retired and receiving a monthly pension.
2 / Minimum Monthly Pension
To obtain the Jubilado Pensionado Visa in Panama, applicants must prove that they receive a monthly pension of at least US$1,000.
The Pension Reference Certificate must state that the pension is paid "for life" or "lifelong" in order to qualify for the visa.
3 / Requirements for Married Couples
If you're a married couple aiming for the Jubilado Pensionado Visa in Panama, it's essential to note that the required monthly pension threshold increases to US$1,250. However, you can take advantage of the flexibility provided by the option to combine your pensions. This joint effort can help you meet the qualifying amount for the visa smoothly.
Additionally, remember that it's not mandatory for both spouses to be retired. The good news is that as long as one spouse meets the stipulated requirements, both can benefit from this opportunity. This thoughtful arrangement paves the way for married couples to share the advantages of obtaining permanent residency in Panama.
4 / Private Pension
You can also meet the requirements with a private pension plan from a bank, insurance company, or specialized institution focused on pension funds. Please note that other private pensions, company pensions, or rental income aren't accepted by Panama's migration authority.
Required Documents for Jubilado Visa Application
To ensure a smooth application process, please email all required documents to our office in advance. This allows us to verify completeness and accuracy before proceeding.
1 / Police Clearance Certificate
Must not be older than six (6) months.
Must have an apostille (Canada Authentication from the Panamanian Embassy)
If you have a middle name, make sure that the name stated on the document is the same as in your passport.
All applicants must be of good repute.
Where do I get my Police Clearance Certficate?
Germany: Bundesamt für Justiz (Führungszeugnis)
Austria: Landespolizeidirektion Wien (Strafregisterbescheinigung)
Switzerland: Bundesamt für Justiz (Privatauszug aus dem Schweizer Strafregister)
USA: FBI (We recommend to use the services of a licensed Channeler to expedite the process)
Canada: Royal Canadian Mounties (RCMP)
2 / Pension Certificate
Must not be older than six (6) months.
Must have an apostille (Canada Authentication from the Panamanian Embassy)
The Certificate or Letter must confirm that you receive a monthly pension for life (“laufend”) and its amount.
Married Couples:
If only one of the spouses receives a pension, you must provide a pension certificate for that applicant to prove the required monthly pension amount.
If both spouses receive pensions and combine their pensions, you must submit separate pension certificates for both applicants to prove the required monthly pension amount.
3 / Passport Photos
A total of five passport photos are required for the application.
4 /Valid Passport
Ensure your passport is valid for at least one more year.
Married Couple Application: Additional Required Documents
If applying as a married couple, it's essential to gather the following additional documents for the application process.
5 / Marriage Certificate
Current marriage certificate or extract from the marriage register.
Must not be older than six (6) months.
Must have an apostille (Canada Authentication from the Panamanian Embassy)
Where to apply?
Germany: Standesamtsbehörde (Auszug aus dem Heiratseintrag)
Austria: Standesamtsbehörde (Auszug aus dem Heiratseintrag)
Switzerland: Zivilstandswesen (Auszug aus dem Eheregister)
USA: State Vital Records Office (Certified Copy of a Marriage Certificate)
Canada: Depends on the province or territory where the event occurred.
6 / Proof of domicile in Panama
For a married couple applying for the Jubilado Pensionado Visa in Panama, you'll require either a notarized lease lasting at least one year or a utility bill under the primary applicant's name to finalize the application.
If you have any inquiries about the necessary documents, feel free to reach out to us. We're here to assist and provide answers to your queries, ensuring your understanding and guiding you through the process.
What is an Apostille?
The pension certificate, police clearance certificate, and marriage certificate must be apostilled.
The term "apostille" originates from French and means "certification." It verifies the authenticity and acceptability of a document to a foreign government. The apostille is added or stamped onto the document, signifying its official status. This is particularly crucial if you intend to use the document in another country, such as applying for the Jubilado Pensionado visa in Panama.
Police Clearance Certificate: Bundesamts für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten
Please be aware that the processing time for your apostille might be extended at present. It's advisable to arrange for your police clearance certificate well in advance of your intended application to ensure timely preparation.
Pension Certificate/ Marriage Certificate: Regierungspräsidien or Bezirksregierung, Landesverwaltungsamt or Landesdirektion
Police Clearance Certificate: Bundesministerium für Inneres
Pension Certificate (PVA): Certificates issued by the PVA, SVS etc. will be apostillad by the Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit und Konsumentenschutz.
Marriage Certificate: Landesregierung (Vienna: Stadtservice Wien - Rathaus)
Kantonale Behörde and the Bundeskanzlei in Bern
FBI Report/ Letter from Social Security: US Department of State
Marriage Certificate: Secretary of State
Documents must be authenticated by the closest Panamanian consulate/ embassy in Canada.
What Documents Does Our Office Prepare for You?
We'll ensure all necessary steps are executed correctly to facilitate a smooth processing of your application.

Full Copy of Passport
During your first visit to our office, we'll make a full copy of your passport and get it notarized. Our aim is to guide you through each step accurately, making sure your application goes smoothly.

Formal Currency Conversion
If your pension certificate is not issued in US Dollars, our office will manage the process of requesting an official currency conversion from Banco Nacional in Panama. This will guarantee that your pension is converted into US Dollars, meeting the prerequisites for the Jubilado Pensionado Visa.

Translation of Documents
Kindly send us all your documents in advance via email. This will allow us to make sure that all required documents are promptly forwarded to the translation agency for timely preparation of translations.

Power of Attorney,
Formal Application, and Declaration of Liability
(for Married Couples Only)
We prepare all the needed papers for you. When you come to our office for the first time, you'll sign and we get them notarized. This careful process makes sure all the documents are right and legally acceptable, so your application for the Jubilado Pensionado Visa in Panama goes smoothly.

Health Certificate
Our office will handle all the essential steps to ensure your health certificate meets the criteria for your Jubilado Pensionado Visa application in Panama.

Affidavit and Forms
We'll send you all the documents beforehand, and they'll be in German or English, of course. Our office will make sure to arrange these documents properly, so they're complete and accurate for your Jubilado Pensionado Visa application in Panama. If you have any questions or need help, we're here to support you throughout the entire process.

Step-by-Step Jubilado Visa Application Schedule in Detail

Living Costs in Panama
Average expenses for couples and rental prices across various locations
Living expenses in Panama differ based on the level of comfort and location.
For couples, the typical cost of living ranges from around USD$1,250 to USD$3,000.
This varies depending on whether rent is a factor and the area you reside in. For instance, a two-bedroom apartment or house may have the following rent:
In Boquete, rentals can range from USD$800 to USD$1,500 per month (meeting American standards).
In Dolega, Bugaba, or David, rentals range from USD$180 to USD$800 per month.